Monday, October 26, 2009


Katakana is used in Japanese to express words they do not have originally. Katakana is not used only for foreign and borrowed words, it can also be used to emphasis something in Japanese. That is why one is able to see カワイイwritten across a lot of the Japanese women magazines, when kawaii is a japanese word. Before doing this project, I thought that most, if not all the katakana is borrowed from English, such as チョコレート、コカ コーラ ゼロ、ニュース。 This is not true. Only about maybe 60% of the words are borrowed from English. Words like アルバイト comes from Germany and パン is from Portugal or France. Today katakana is also used for the younger generation to express other saying such as ナイスミドル、アラフォ. My favorite katakana is are onomonopia words such as ピカピカ、フワフワ、ピンポン

ピカピカ really sounds bright. this is probably why pikachu is makes pikapika noises an shoots out lighting.

フワフワ means fluffy in japanese and it really does sound light and fluffy.

It is also interesting that animals make different noises around the world. In America dogs go bow wow and in Japanese dogs go ワンワン。Cats go meow in America and in Japan they go ニーヤニーヤ



  1. こんにちは!きょうのクラスはおもしろいですね!

    そのしゃしんはたのしいですね! ねずみですか?

    じゃ、 ピカチュはかわいいです!(haha)


  2. わたしはピカチュを買います。They are so cute!

  3. おはよう。
    このねずみは とてもファニー ですね!わたしは ねこが つきです。
    アリスさんは どんな どうぶつが つきですか?

    ねずみ - MOUSE
    ファニー - FUNNY
    どうぶつ ー ANIMAL

  4. Hello. My name is Narumi Takenaka. I'm Bunkyo university student.
    I think it is interesting animals make different noises arond the world too!

  5. はじめまして!
    I love the onomatopoeia words too. I had a friend teach me a lot of them, but they're hard to keep straight!
    ピカピカ is the word for lightning flashes in general, it's fun whenever I get the chance to say it.
    Katakana seems to be used by the younger generation when they want things to seem cooler, too.



  6. Hi,this is Yves from Bunkyou University.
    katakana is kind of hard for foreigner to learn,but it also have a lot of fun to know the other languages.
    Also,the picture of mouse is so cute such like Japanese famous animate Pikachu!!

  7. 日本語科のTAです。
    As you mentioned, the younger generation use Katakana a lot.
    I wonder why they use Katakana a lot.
    Also, they like making words shorter... I wonder why.
    アラフォ came from アラウンド フォーティー.

    What do you think?

  8. I think onomatopoeia in japanese are very cute and interesting to learn. Katakana is espeically hard for me to learn, but it is fun to sound out. Japanese has too many writting system. It is very confusing.
